Benefits of
Structured Playtime

Structured Playtime is a beneficial tool that a parent/caregiver can provide for their client or child. Kids with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have a spectrum of potential deficits and play skills fall in this category typically. Structured play time can bring exposure to building upon social situations, exploration/imagination, and information processing. According to Maureen Bennie structured play is “when an adult provides resources, starts play or joins in with
children’s play to offer some direction or guidelines. Structured play activities support autistic children who are learning play skills such as sharing, taking turns and interacting with other children” (Bennie, 2023).

This is beneficial skills to teach neurotypical kids as well as kids on the spectrum due to the awareness it brings to them about their peers. By playing and interacting with others, with supervision, this increases their exposure to other preferences as well as skills needed in everyday life. Taking turns is an example of real-world skills, as well as working together to accomplish a common goal. With this said while being under supervision to prevent abuse or neglect with one peer over the other, it will develop a positive learning history amongst both parties. Another great aspect that Structured Play times can offer is perspective taking and being able to coordinate cause and effect actions. For instance, if a kid takes a toy away from another kid, then the supervisor can interrupt this by incorporating this child’s action and how it made his peer feel. This can expose another deficit, typically with kids with ASD, about empathy and of course how others feel. These are just a few reasons why Structured Play should be incorporated into your child’s life by the exposure it brings as well as a beneficial experience to build upon later.

Works Cited

Bennie, M. (2023, March 1). Supporting autistic children through structured play. Autism Awareness.,and%20interacting%20with%20other%20children.

Structured play: New skills for autistic children. Raising Children Network. (2021, May 19).

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